Theoretical and Natural Science

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Theoretical and Natural Science

Vol. 40, 24 June 2024

Open Access | Article

Discussion on the effect of sex ratio change in lamprey

Mingming Zhai * 1 , Xindi Wang 2 , Xinghui Ma 3 , Zhengjie Wu 4
1 Shenyang Pharmaceutical Universit
2 Shenyang Pharmaceutical Universit
3 Shenyang Pharmaceutical Universit
4 Shenyang Pharmaceutical Universit

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Theoretical and Natural Science, Vol. 40, 34-45
Published 24 June 2024. © 2023 The Author(s). Published by EWA Publishing
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation Mingming Zhai, Xindi Wang, Xinghui Ma, Zhengjie Wu. Discussion on the effect of sex ratio change in lamprey. TNS (2024) Vol. 40: 34-45. DOI: 10.54254/2753-8818/40/20240196.


Objective: To study the impact of the change of sex ratio of lamprey on the whole ecosystem, and to provide guidance for the stability of the ecosystem, the conservation of species diversity, and the green and sustainable development of the ecological environment in the future. Methods: In the first step, the logistic regression model was used to study the population dynamics of lamprey from the aspects of birth rate, mortality rate, food source rate and dependent population, and the impact of sex ratio change on the ecosystem was observed. In the second step, the impact of sex ratio change on the stability of the whole ecosystem was studied through the adjoint model. In the third step, the logistic regression model was used to construct a differential equation describing female and male lamp eels in different environments to distinguish the different sexes of lampreys. In the fourth step, an ecological dynamics model was established that comprehensively considered factors such as intermediate hosts, biological subpopulations, environmental conditions, and self-competition to fully understand the impact of changes in the sex ratio of lampreys on ecosystem stability. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of the model was carried out, and the model was evaluated and expanded. Results: A model was established to affect the population dynamics of lamprey, the gender differentiation of lamprey and the influence of lamprey on ecosystem stability. Conclusion: It was found that changes in the sex ratio of lamprey populations would affect their own reproduction rate and population size, the survival and reproduction patterns of other species, and the stability of the whole ecosystem.


logistic regression model, chain effect, adaptive denaturation, ecosystem stability, ecological dynamics model


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Volume Title
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Geoscience and Earth Ecology
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Published Date
24 June 2024
Theoretical and Natural Science
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24 June 2024
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